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Welcome to the Pesticide Management Education Program (PMEP) web site. PMEP promotes the proper use of pesticides for the applicator, the consumer, and the environment, and also serves as a pesticide information/education center for those interested in pesticide chemicals. Please note that some of our information may be 'dated' and no longer applicable at this time; it is displayed for historical purposes only.

Conference with man speaking at podium

The Cornell Cooperative Extension - Pesticide Safety Education Program or CCE-PSEP is a federally mandated program and our primary role is to provide unbiased information about pests and pesticides and to promote sound decision making and proper handling practices to people who choose to use pesticides.

Laptop Keybord

The Pesticide Sales and Use Reporting (PSUR) Database Group was formed to manage the pesticide data reported to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) under the Pesticide Reporting Law (PRL) of 1996. The group maintains a repository of all the data collected since 1997 and also operates the Pesticide Reporting Service Bureau, which collects and processes pesticide reports from over 7000 pesticide businesses around the state. Summaries of the data are available for searching on the PSUR website.